English Bio

DSC_5508-6_joName: Ádám Sápi

Email: sadam(dot)kadmon(at)gmail(dot)com

Titulusintegral tai chi, qi gong, yoga instructor, buddhist dharma teacher, somatic & movement therapist (heilpraktiker), movement & body & self discovery related training, workshop, retreat organizer and facilitator

Programs, retreatswww.adamkadmon.hu/programok/

Facebook eventswww.facebook.com/pg/sAdamKadmon/events/

Youtube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCFsgcLHC1cuK-RQFiMtzT2w/videos


Web in Englishwww.adamkadmon.hu/english


Adam Sapi – briefly

Adam Sapi is a tai chi, qi gong, yoga instructor, buddhist dharma teacher, somatic & movement therapist, martial artist, zen practicioner, ci dancer and bodyworker living in Berlin-Budapest. He facilitates somato/movement & self discovery related trainings and retreats. He has been teaching since 2011, besides regular classes in Berlin-Budapest he is giving workshops, labs in retreats and festivals in Hungary, Berlin, Germany, Ukraine, Lebanon. He has almost 20 years of several body-mind practice, deeply engaged by tai chi, chi kung, contact improvistaion, but he is also experienced in and deal with yoga, ayurveda, breathing technics, meditation, zazen, kungfu, playfight, butoh, physical theatre, thai massage, argentine tango, nonviolent communication in movement, sexual bodywork, therapeutic bodywork.

One of his core research and teaching topics is a fusion of tai chi and contact improvisation. He is fascinated about this field between internal martial arts and contact based dances, and working on how can these concepts, approaches and movement forms, qualities meet and support each other.

Concept of Radical Body-Mind-Awareness

My life was always been dedicated to practicing on body and movement, exploring the wisdom of Body and embodiedness, through this way reach and cultivate something more subtle essence – personality, soul, spirit, self, mind or however you wish to call it.

I m deeply interested about how do these methods become a self discovering and revealing practice in a spiritual approach. How can we attain effortless Flow through practice on the Body and bring it to life, deliver it to other people, transform human relationships around us and lift up our environment.

Through years in this way I experienced and worked in many roles like performer artist, dancer, martial artist, monk, studio leader, masseur, teacher and therapist. But the final question is still being investigated: who am I?

Adam got his Dharma teacher BA @ Dharma Gate Buddhist University Budapest on Comparative religion and philosophy specialization and wrote a diploma thesis: Culture independent dharma – transmission and teaching based on bodyawareness, embodiedness, Body as a teacher.

Detailed Bio

since 2000 – practicing and study yoga (hatha, tantra, integral), ayurveda, tantra, buddhism and meditation

2004 – Software development and mathematics MSc @ Szeged University

2005-2010 Dharma teacher BA @ Dharma Gate Buddhist College (Comparative religion and philosophy specialization) (traditions, philosophy, psychology, east & west, shaivism, tantra, mind research, buddhist meditations, zen, dzogchen). Diploma thesis: Cultureindependent dharma – transmission and teaching based on bodyawareness, embodiedness, Body as a teacher

2006 – getting involved in contact improvisation, authentic movement, trancedances, physical theatre, performing art, butoh, body oriented therapies – artist, performer, dancer

since 2007 – practicing chi kung (qi gong), shaolin kung fu

since 2009 – practicing integral tai chi

2009 – retreat and studies (Parting from the 4 Attachments: Mahayana Mind-Training) @ International Buddhist Academy, Nepal

2010 – research and studies on shaivism, tantric yoga tradition @ Rishikesh, Varanasi, Banaras Hindu University, Philosophy and Religion Department

since 2011 – practicing yang style tai chi chuan (tai ji quan)

since 2011 – influencies, practicing more and more himalaya yoga, kundalini yoga, ashtanga yoga, vinyasa flow, pranayama, yogatherapy, ayurveda

since 2011 – teaching yoga

2012 – starting organize and lead summer retreats with several methods that helps self discovery and well being within: yoga, chi kung, bodywork

since 2013 – teaching integral tai chi and chi kung, leading self discovery events, workshops

2013 – studies on cognitive psychotherapy and non violent communication

2014 – born of an integral vision with many methods within, to get closer and reveal your Self: Getting Into Relations group sessions – a self discovering adventure, experiencing through the body and movements without words, understanding the wisdom of the body and integrating Body – Soul – Spirit realms

2015-16 – studies on Alternative Movement and Massage Therapy (Alternative Medicine / Naturopath / Heilpraktiker)

since 2017 – private therapies based on yoga, chi kung, bodywork, breathing

2017 – working in office/business environment recreating the human resource

2017 – running Karmayoga Studio in Budapest

2018/19 – living in Berlin, daily practice and living in a Zen center, practicing Wudang style internal martial arts, playfight and contact impro, having regular classes and teaching different body- and movement work on retreats

more info

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